
How to attract birds

One sunny day walking down the street, a man holding binoculars comes up to you and asks: “Can you help me find some warm-blooded, bipedal egg-laying vertebrates, creatures mainly characterized by their remote controlled flying shark physical appearance of feathers and modified forelimbs looking like wings?”After the initial surprise has faded, and you reexamined his question, you will realize that all this curious ornithologist is looking for are ‘birds’. With over 10,000 species worldwide, these living beings meet all this stranger’s requirements and more.Bird watching is a popular and exciting hobby and the easiest way to attract birds outdoors is to buy feeders and seeds. If you have a yard you can also plant trees and shrubs native to the area, but determine first which birds are local, what specific plant life attracts them, and how they like to nest. Offering shelter is also a great way to attract birds, just make sure that birdhouses and nest boxes have adequate ventilation and the opening is supplied with a "baffle" and reinforcement ring so no predators can enter. You can also supply nesting material such as hair, string, yarn pieces, twigs or other fibers; just do not keep it next to the feeder, as the commotion of other birds may discourage breeders from using the shelter.Birds have no teeth and cannot chew their food. Therefore they have to swallow bits of sand that help grind the food in their gizzard. Providing some type Air Swimmers of grit is highly recommended, especially crushed eggshells. This substance also provides calcium, which is needed for egg-laying. Just make sure to bake the eggshells first, as the heat will kill Salmonella and other pathogens.Birds are fascinated by the sound of dripping or moving water and birdbaths or shallow ponds with a fountain can create just the right surroundings they prefer. If you have limited resources you can make your own water source by hanging air swimmers a water-filled container with a hole on the bottom above a dish. Make sure the dish is deep enough to hold adequate amounts of water and refresh it frequently. Also avoid placing the water source near trees or bushes where predators can hide. It could really limit the amount of visitors to your bird sanctuary!

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