
How To Use Flat Iron To Straighten Side Bangs

Side bangs look gorgeous when they are straightened as curly side bangs lack their appeal. That is why people are fond of straightening their curly side bangs using a flat iron. You can start doing it with the help of a hair dryer and a round poof, but using a flat iron will provide your bangs with the best efficiency. A flat iron when used along with a smoothing gel will provide your side bangs with the sexy and hot appeal that you have always cherished for. This article will help you in learning the simple process of styling your hair with rc flying fish straightened side bangs. 1. First, you need to separate your side bangs using a comb and then the rest of the hair should be clipped out of the way and start with a section. You can then apply a small amount of smoothing gel on your bangs so that it is equally distributed to every strands of the hair. You can also use good straightening cream, sprays, etc according to the type of your hair. Always take a little amount so that your hair does not become oily air swimmers and limpy. 2. After determining the side of your face where you wish your bangs to fall in, use a flat iron to pull them gently in small sections. Gently repeat the process so that every bang that has been isolated is straightened. Never straighten bangs with more than 1 inch section at a time as it can increase the exposure of steam and can thus damage your hair extensively. It will also not S107 helicopter straighten the middle part of the hair effectively. So always take a small section for straightening. 3. Always start the process on clean, dry and healthy hair as wet hair can be easily damaged and can also injure the person. Today, there are numerous wet to dry flat irons available that skips the need for blow drying. But still, the production of steam when straightening wet hair with a wet to dry flat iron can shred the natural oils and moisture of the hair and can pave way for serious hair issues.

